Laser eye surgery is a modern scientific miracle and has changed millions of lives since its approval in the early 1990s. Even though laser eye surgery is extremely safe and effective it is still an elective medical procedure and individuals must meet specific physical and medical criteria before they are considered candidates. Additionally, there are different types of surgery available and it is very important that patients receive the appropriate laser treatment for their specific medical and ocular situation.
Our experienced eye doctors are leaders in the pre and post-operative management of laser eye surgery and can assist you in making the right medical decision. Our comprehensive laser eye surgery consultations are designed to determine if you meet the medical criteria to proceed and to recommend the best surgeon and procedure for you.
For almost 25 years, Toronto Eye Care has been a trusted leader is laser eye surgery care and our eye doctors only recommend the most experienced, trusted and competent laser eye surgeons in Toronto. Our strategic and longstanding relationships with the leading laser surgery centres in the city – Bochner Eye Institute, Crystal Clear Vision and TLC Laser Eye Centres – have facilitated thousands of successful laser procedures through our clinics.