Manulife Centre, 55 Bloor St. W Main Level · High Park, 2425 Bloor St. W

August 25, 2017

If you’re tired of wearing glasses or contact lenses and are a resident or work in Toronto, laser eye surgery may have crossed your mind.

Laser eye surgery, also known as refractive eye surgery, is a surgical procedure used to treat common vision problems, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. It helps to improve vision and reduce your dependency on prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses.

LASIK eye surgery is the most common refractive surgery used today, and it has an excellent track record. That said, it may not be for everybody.

We’re going to give you all the ins and outs in this LASIK eye surgery Toronto guide to help you determine if it’s the right procedure for you.

LASIK Versus Other Laser Eye Procedures

All refractive eye surgeries work by reshaping the cornea, the clear front part of the eye so that it properly focuses light onto the retina, a group of cells located at the back of the eye that helps convert light into images

The desired shape of the cornea is dependent upon the eye condition. With nearsighted people, the goal is to flatten the too-steep cornea. With farsighted people, the goal is to steepen the too-flat cornea. In astigmatism, the goal is to smooth out the cornea into a more normal shape.

The difference between LASIK and other surgeries comes with the method used to reshape the cornea. During LASIK surgery, the surgeon creates a flap in the cornea, which can be lifted up to remove underlying corneal tissue.

While LASIK is the most well-known procedure, other laser treatments are known to work very well and may be a better choice for you, depending on your needs.

Other common procedures include:

  • Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). PRK is similar to LASIK, but rather than forming a flap, the top surface (called the epithelium) is scraped away.
  • Laser-assisted subepithelial keratectomy (LASEK). LASEK is also similar to LASIK, but the flap is created using a special cutting device which allows less of the cornea to be removed. This method is a good option for people with thin corneas.
  • Epithelial laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis (epi-LASIK). Epi-LASIK is very similar to both LASIK and LASEK. Just like with LASEK, it’s a good option for people with thin corneas. The difference lies in the tool used to create the flap.

There are also non-laser vision repair procedures available. Your doctor will help you to determine what is best for you by considering your prescription and eye structure.

What to Expect Before LASIK Eye Surgery in Toronto

The first step in determining if LASIK surgery is right for you is to meet with your eye doctor. He or she will perform a thorough eye exam to determine if your eyes are healthy enough for the procedure, and if so, which procedure would be best for you.

They will evaluate things like the shape and thickness of your cornea, your pupil size, and any refractive errors.

Aside from examining your eyes, they will ask you a variety of questions regarding your current health and your medical history. These questions will help them conclude how safe the procedure will be for you.

Your doctor may give you specific instructions to follow before the procedure. They may ask you to stop wearing contact lenses for a period of time (usually around two weeks) before the surgery.

What to Expect During Your Toronto LASIK Eye Surgery

Before your surgery begins, eye numbing drops will be applied to your eyes to prevent any discomfort. Your doctor might also give you medication to help you relax if needed.

During the procedure, an instrument called a microkeratome or femtosecond laser is used to create a thin flap in the cornea. The flap is painlessly peeled back, after which the underlying corneal tissue is reshaped using another laser. The corneal flap is then put back into place, and the surgery is complete.

LASIK is an outpatient procedure, so you don’t have to spend the night in the hospital. The entire procedure is painless and generally takes around 10 minutes to complete.

What to Expect After LASIK Eye Surgery

Immediately after LASIK surgery, your surgeon will have you rest and will perform a brief postoperative exam.  If all is good, you can have someone drive you home.

You should expect to experience some blurred and cloudy vision after the procedure. You might also experience a feeling of dryness, or temporary burning or itching. Your doctor will give you prescription eye jobs to help. These symptoms should improve by the next morning.

Advantages of LASIK Eye Surgery Toronto

LASIK has many benefits including:

  • It works! More than 95% of patients experience their desired vision after treatment.
  • LASIK surgery is pretty painless, aside from a few mild and temporary symptoms.
  • The procedure is quick and does not require an overnight stay in the hospital.
  • The surgery requires very little to no downtime.
  • Results appear rapidly – usually immediately after surgery or the next day.
  • It is non-invasive – no bandages or stitches are required.
  • Many patients have a dramatic decrease in their dependency on glasses or contact lenses.

Disadvantages of LASIK Eye Surgery

While there are a great many benefits to LASIK, it’s important to be aware of the disadvantages as well.

  • Rare problems can occur when the doctor creates the flap, which can permanently affect vision. This is why it’s essential to choose a reputable and good surgeon.
  • Some patient’s experience mild discomfort for a day or two following surgery.
  • Possible side effects of the procedure include glare, sensitivity to bright lights, difficulty seeing at night, and dry eyes.
  • It can be costly – insurance usually doesn’t cover the procedure.
  • Vision loss is a rare but possible side effect. Alternately, you may not see as clearly as previously.

The Final Decision

When it comes to LASIK eye surgery, there is no right or wrong answer. It’s all about determining what is best for you.

Be sure to talk with your eye doctor in Toronto and get his or her professional opinion. Weigh the pros and cons, consider the cost, and have realistic expectations about the outcome.

In the end, it’s all about what feels right for you.


    Toronto Eye Care