Manulife Centre, 55 Bloor St. W Main Level · High Park, 2425 Bloor St. W


Welcome to Toronto Eye Care FAQ Page

Your trusted source for expert eye care FAQ in Toronto. Whether you’re looking for information on OHIP-covered eye exams, private insurance billing, or the cost of prescription eyeglasses and contact lenses, we’ve got you covered. Our experienced optometrists provide comprehensive eye exams, surgical referrals, and specialized care for all ages. Find answers to common questions about vision health, appointment scheduling, payment options, and more. Explore our eye care FAQ to ensure your eyes receive the best care possible!

Eye Care FAQ - Services

How often should I have my eyes examined?

At what age should my children have their eyes examined?

Our eye doctors currently recommend immediate eye examinations for children with obvious signs (crossed eyes) and/or symptoms (squinting or behaviour issues) or those with family history of pediatric vision impairment or lazy eye. For other children, our eye doctors recommend an eye examination before the child is four years old.

How quickly can I get an appointment?

Toronto Eye Care prides itself on easy access to our clinics and accommodations are made for same day appointments depending on the severity of the eye problem. We realize that our patients are busy people and we will do our best to facilitate your schedule.

Are you open Saturdays and weeknights?

Yes, we are open every Saturday at both locations and some weeknights at either location. Please call our Manulife Office at 416-966-1955 or the Bloor/Jane office at 416-604-4688 or email us at for more detailed information.

Does OHIP cover eye exams?

Effective November 1, 2004 the Ontario Ministry of Health changed the coverage for eye care services in Ontario. Currently, OHIP will only provide coverage for the following groups below: Children aged 0 to 19 years One full eye examination annually Seniors aged 65 and above One full eye examination annually Adults aged 20 to 64 years ONLY with certain medical conditions One full eye examination annually for people with certain medical conditions. For more information, please call our office or ...

What are your fees for eye exams?

Our fees will vary based on the medical situation and complexity of each individual patient and the particular medical services which are rendered.

Are eye exams, contact lenses and eyeglasses covered by private insurance?

Most of our patients will have private insurance coverage for eye care services through their place of employment or purchased on their own. The specific amount of coverage will depend on the details of the plan.

Do you accept private insurance for eye care services in your office?

Patients will pay us directly for eye care services and will require only an official receipt from our office for reimbursement. Some private insurers will require forms to be filled out and signed by our eye doctors.

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept CASH, VISA, MasterCard and debit.

Are you accepting new patients? Is it necessary to get my file from my last eye doctor?

Yes, we are always accepting new patients. On your first visit, our eye doctors will determine if your past eye medical records will be necessary for our review. If so, then you must give your written consent to your last eye doctor to allow them to transfer your records to our clinic.

Should I bring all my eyeglasses and/or contact lenses with me?

Yes, it is very important you bring all your eyewear with you to our clinic. Our eye doctors will assess the performance and state of your eyewear in order to determine if changes are medically necessary. Also, for new patients, your existing eyewear will be used by our eye doctors to determine if any changes have occurred from your last assessment.

Why does the eye doctor put drops in my eyes to dilate my pupils?

Our eye doctors will temporarily dilate your pupils (lasts 4 hours) using an eye drop which will sting slightly upon insertion in order to properly assess the internal components of the eye (retina, optic nerve and blood vessels). Pupil dilation will make your eyes sensitive to outdoor light – bring some sunglasses – and can cause blurry vision for about 4 to 8 hours.

Do you refer patients for all types of ocular surgery?

Our clinics work directly with many ophthalmic surgeons in private practice and those at all the major hospitals in Toronto. We refer patients for corneal, cataract, retinal surgery and many other ocular disorders or diseases.

Contact Lenses

How long does it take to get contact lenses?

Can I get contact lenses with my prescription?

Contact lenses are suitable for most prescriptions and our eye doctors will recommend the best contact lens product for you. However, some very complex prescriptions may not be suitable for contact lenses.

How much do contact lenses cost?

Contact lens costs vary mostly on the prescription, type and the amount that are purchased. For example, soft daily disposable lenses are recommended for many patients and can cost as little as $1/day. Contact lenses are more affordable than ever and our eye doctors and technicians will recommend a product that suits your needs best.

What is the process for getting contact lenses for the first time?

Our customized Contact Lens New Wearer’s Program (CLNWP) is a comprehensive process designed to get you successfully wearing contact lenses. This personalized program includes the following: • contact lens prescription and customized corneal measurements • eye doctor’s recommendation for contact lens product • trial pair of prescription contact lenses including cleaning and disinfecting solution and lubricant • insertion, removal and care session with experienced contact lens technician • follow-up examination with eye doctor to evaluate performance

Do you carry all the different contact lens types and brands?

Our clinics offer the latest technology in contact lenses and our experienced eye doctors will custom fit the right product for your eyes. Whether you need soft disposable, multi-focal or rigid gas permeable our eye doctors will recommend what is best for your ocular health, comfort and convenience. We also carry a large inventory of contact lens products from all the major manufacturers like Johnson & Johnson, CIBA Vision, Bausch & Lomb, Cooper Vision and many others.

Laser Eye Surgery

Who do you recommend for laser eye surgery?

How do I know if I’m a candidate for laser eye surgery?

A thorough eye examination and a laser eye surgery work-up are necessary to determine candidacy for laser eye surgery. During the consultation, our eye doctors will perform a number of eye tests and collect important ocular measurements to determine your candidacy. Our clinics offer complimentary laser eye surgery work-ups for those patients considering laser eye surgery. Call the Manulife Centre clinic at 416-966-1955 or the Bloor/Jane clinic at 416-604-4688 or email us at to book your consultation.

Is laser eye surgery a safe and effective procedure to eliminate my need for eyeglasses or contact lenses?

Laser eye surgery is a safe and effective procedure for most individuals with healthy eyes and a wide variety of prescriptions. Most patients will obtain complete elimination of their prescription with the initial procedure and only very few may require a second procedure to eliminate the rest. However, laser eye surgery is not for every patient and only a thorough eye examination can determine individual candidacy

Eye Disorders and Diseases

What is myopia or nearsightedness?

What is hyperopia or farsightedness?

Hyperopia, or “farsightedness”, is a common refractive disorder in which distant objects are usually seen clearly, but close ones do not come into proper focus. Hyperopia generally occurs due to physical reasons when the eyeball length grows slightly too short or the cornea has too little curvature. Common symptoms of hyperopia can include: difficulty in concentrating and maintaining a clear focus on near objects eye strain fatigue and/or headaches after close work aching or burning eyes irritability or nervousness after sustained concentration Common vision screenings, often done in schools, are generally ineffective at detecting hyperopia. A comprehensive eye examination with ...

What is presbyopia?

Presbyopia is a progressive vision condition in which the crystalline lens of your eye loses its flexibility, which makes it difficult to focus on close objects. This may seem to occur suddenly, but the actual loss of flexibility takes place over a number of years. Presbyopia is a natural part of the aging process of the eye and usually becomes noticeable in the early to mid-40s. Symptoms of presbyopia include: the tendency to hold reading materials at arm’s length blurred vision at normal reading distance eye fatigue along with headaches when doing close work Treatment for presbyopia includes prescription reading ...

What is astigmatism?

Astigmatism is a common vision condition or refractive disorder that causes blurred vision due either to the irregular shape of the cornea, the clear front cover of the eye, or sometimes the curvature of the lens inside the eye. An irregular shaped cornea or lens prevents light from focusing properly on the retina, the light sensitive surface at the back of the eye. As a result, vision becomes blurred at any distance. Slight amounts of astigmatism usually don’t affect vision and don’t require treatment. However, larger amounts cause distorted or blurred vision, eye discomfort and headaches.

What is lazy eye or amblyopia?

Amblyopia, or lazy eye, is the loss or lack of development of central vision in one eye that is usually unrelated to any eye health problem. Lazy eye is often associated with crossed-eyes (strabismus) or a large difference in the degree of nearsightedness or farsightedness between the two eyes. It usually develops before the age of 6 and symptoms may include noticeably favouring one eye or a tendency to bump into objects on one side. Early diagnosis increases the chance for a complete recovery. This is one reason why our eye doctors recommend that children have a comprehensive optometric examination ...

What is blepharitis?

Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelids causing red, irritated, itchy eyelids and the formation of dandruff-like scales on eyelashes. It is a common eye disorder caused by either common bacteria or a skin condition such as dandruff of the scalp or acne rosacea. Although uncomfortable and esthetically displeasing, blepharitis is not contagious and generally does not cause any permanent damage to eyesight. Blepharitis is classified into two types: 1. Anterior blepharitis: affects the outside front edge of the eyelid near the eyelashes. 2. Posterior blepharitis: affects the inner edge of the eyelid that comes in contact with the eyeball. ...

What is a cataract?

A cataract is a cloudy or opaque area in the normally clear lens of the eye and mostly develop in people over age 55, but occasionally occur in infants and young children. Usually cataracts develop in both eyes, but one may be worse than the other and require surgery more immediately. Signs and symptoms of a cataract may include: • Blurred, hazy, or vision • Reduced intensity of colors • Increased sensitivity to glare from lights, particularly when driving at night • Increased difficulty seeing at night • Change in the eye’s refractive error Cataract surgery is the standard of ...

What is conjunctivitis or “pink eye”?

Conjunctivitis is a common inflammation or infection of the conjunctiva – the thin transparent layer of tissue that lines the inner surface of the eyelid and covers the white part of the eye. Conjunctivitis, often called “pink eye,” commonly occurs in children and may affect one or both eyes and is usually caused by a virus or bacteria. It can also occur due to an allergic reaction to irritants in the air like pollen and smoke, chlorine in swimming pools, and ingredients in cosmetics or other products that come in contact with the eyes. Some forms of conjunctivitis can be ...

What is dry eye?

Dry eye is a common, under-diagnosed condition causing insufficient tear production or rapid evaporation of tears limiting lubrication and nourishment of the eye. It is often a chronic problem and mostly affects adults greater than 40 years old and women. People with dry eyes may experience the following symptoms: • irritated, gritty, scratchy, or burning eyes • a feeling of something in their eyes • excess watering • blurred vision Dry eyes can be a chronic condition, but our eye doctors can prescribe a variety of treatments to keep your eyes healthy, more comfortable, and prevent your vision from being ...

What is glaucoma?

Glaucoma is an eye disease leading to progressive damage to the optic nerve (responsible for taking visual signals back to the brain), and is characterized by loss of nerve tissue resulting in loss of vision., Primary open-angle glaucoma is the most common form of glaucoma and is associated with an increase in the intra-ocular pressure (IOP) causing progressive damage to the optic nerve. Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in Canada and most often occurs in people over age 40. Other risk factors for glaucoma include: • family history of glaucoma • diabetics • African-Canadians and Hispanic-Canadians ...

What is macular degeneration (AMD)?

AMD is a multi-factorial eye disease and is the leading cause of central vision blindness in Canada. It results from physical changes to the macula, a portion of the central retina that is responsible for clear, sharp vision, and is located at the back of the eye. Some common symptoms include a gradual loss of ability to see objects clearly, distorted vision, a gradual loss of color vision and a dark or empty area appearing in the center of vision. There are two types of AMD: • dry AMD (90% of cases) • wet AMD (10% of cases) Dry AMD ...

What are vitreous floaters?

Vitreous floaters are generally small, semi-transparent or cloudy specks or particles within the clear, jelly-like fluid called the vitreous humour which fills the inside of your eyes. They can appear as specks of various shapes and sizes, threadlike strands or cobwebs and move around your field of vision as your eyes move. Floaters can become more visible when looking at a white background or outdoors on a very sunny day. Most floaters are considered harmless and are generally consequences of aging on the vitreous especially for individuals greater than 40 years of age. However, they can also result from certain ...


Why won’t my transition lenses change in my car?

I’m middle-aged, why do I need a different prescription for computer and reading?

Presbyopia is the medical term which describes the decline in near focusing ability for individuals 40 years of age and beyond. This process occurs over many years and affects first our reading vision and then our computer vision necessitating a different prescription for each distance. Comfortable vision can be achieved at each distance with progressive multi-focal, single vision or computer progressive multi-focal eyeglasses. Our eye doctors and optical dispensary associates recommend the product that is best for you.

Why is it important to wear sunglasses? What about my children?

Sunglasses that are 100% UV blocking completely eliminate the harmful effects of these rays on our visual system. Long-term exposure to UV can increase the risk for premature cataracts, macular degeneration, eyelid and ocular surface lesions and cancers. It’s best to use sunglasses that provide ample coverage around the eyes and block out as much UV as possible. All of our eye doctors recommend that sunglasses should be worn by children as well.

How long does it usually take to adapt to my new eyeglasses?

Visual adaptation to new eyeglasses can usually take up to 2 weeks and even longer for some patients with more complex prescriptions. We recommend patients wear their new eyeglasses as much as possible in order to expedite the adaptation process.

How long does it take get new eyeglasses made?

New eyeglasses can take anywhere from 1 hour for simple prescriptions and up to 3 weeks for very complex ones. Here’s a general time-frame for new eyeglasses: 1. Single Vision – 1 hour to 1 week 2. Bifocal – 7 to 10 business days 3. Progressive bifocal or multi-focal – 10 to 14 days 4. Custom and complex prescriptions – 14 to 28 days

Is there a warranty on eyeglasses?

Buying new eyeglasses can be a joyous experience, but also a stressful one. Many patients worry about a new style or a difficulty in adapting to a new prescription. At Toronto Eye Care, we want to maximize your satisfaction and offer a 30-day guarantee on your new eyeglasses. If you don’t like them or are having trouble adapting bring them back and one of our dispensary associates will help you make it right.

If I buy a frame somewhere else, can I bring it to you to have lenses in it?

Absolutely. We offer the best in lens technology to maximize your visual performance and comfort in your new frames. Our on-site edging lab technician will custom craft high performance lenses into your new look and create a result sure to put a smile on your face.

Do you have an on-site edging and mounting lab?

Our edging and mounting clinic is located at our Manulife Centre and assembles all eyeglasses for both of our clinics. Each pair of eyeglasses is custom crafted to ensure precision and accuracy to maximize your enjoyment and satisfaction. Our dispensary team takes significant pride in creating the best eyeglasses for you.

Do you carry a wide variety of eyeglass ophthalmic lens types and brands?

Our clinics offer the best in ophthalmic lens technology with familiar brands like Essilor, Nikon, Zeiss, Rodenstock, and Hoya. Our friendly and experienced optical dispensary associates will recommend the best lens to maximize visual performance and comfort. All of our lens products come with extensive non-adaptation warranties. Please ask one of our dispensary associates for more information or email us at

Do you carry a wide variety of eyeglass frame types and brands?

Our clinics include a large optical dispensary with many of the leading frame brands like Gucci, JF Rey, BOSS, and many more. Our friendly and experienced optical dispensary associates will recommend the best frame to maximize your visual performance and style.